Sorry, Bonnie, but I honestly don't remember... My guess is early 00s, tho, because I doubt that we would have been at such a glitzy affair if Richard was still stuck somewhere in the middle of the UniChgo Medical Center ladder. When did Marsha die?

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My--somewhat related--Mandy Patinkin story: The closest I ever came to Mandy Patinkin, physically speaking, was at one of the University of Chicago's annual GIRF Galas. UniChgo had (& still has) a world-famous program in GastroIntestinal Diseases, supported--in part--by their GastroIntestinal Research Foundation (aka GIRF). Mandy Patinkin was one of the GIRF Gala's most popular headliners. As I remember it, Mandy put on quite a show, showering GIRF's founder, renowned gastroenterologist Joseph Kirsner (who was elderly but still very much alive at the time) with love. We all kinda sorta knew "someone" in Mandy's family suffered from Crohn’s, but only today do I fully appreciate what I saw that memorable night. Thank You, Bonnie! As ever, Jan

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i LOVE this... what year was it?? i wonder if before or after marsha died...

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